Category Archives: Welcome

What we believe

God has always directed the church to return to the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6 v 16), to the established ways of God’s appointment and this is what we seek to do. We strive to honour God’s precepts rather than turn to broken cisterns, the notions and devices of men, which can hold no water (Jer.…

Welcome to Bryn Seion online

Welcome to Bryn Seion – Home (Wales) & Abroad (Philippines) (Website last updated 27th September 2024) Who we are We have been at Bryn Seion since 1979, a church built in 1906, but closed twice since it first opened. The building was offered to us on the condition that we would re-open it and serve…


Bryn Seion – Home (Wales) & Abroad (Philippines)   Please see our ‘Welcome to Bryn Seion online’ page for times of Worship.   We welcome your feedback, comments and enquiries along with  notifications of intended visits or of any needful corrections to the site or if you would like to contact us for any reason…