Welcome to Bryn Seion – Home (Wales) & Abroad (Philippines)
(Website last updated 30th October 2024)
Who we are
We have been at Bryn Seion since 1979, a church built in 1906, but closed twice since it first opened. The building was offered to us on the condition that we would re-open it and serve the Lord in this small building. We have enlarged the building, to twice its original size, adding a kitchen, prayer-room and toilet facilities. We have sought to serve the Lord in our generation, with much encouragement from on High.
In the 1980’s we became convinced of a number of issues, causing us to become a Reformed Congregational Church with the Regulative Principle operating as to worship, doctrine and practice.
In February 2002, we received a request from the Philippines for help, where a small group had the desire to honour Reformed teaching. After helping them for two years by means of books and guidance by e-mail, we paid the first of four visits to them in 2004. We found them eager to learn and their desires most honourable. Since then the work has grown presently being six congregations; five on Mindanao and one on Negros. Their chosen names are, Jireh, Bethel, Ebenezer, Bethesda, Providence and Berea. They hold an annual Camp Meeting, when they gather for a time of fellowship around the Word; the ministry being supplied from Bryn Seion via Skype. The ministry for the anniversary services of each church is also supplied in this way. The work is superintended from Jireh in Cagyan-de-Oro City, by Pastor Lapiz and his son, Kim, who faithfully follow the principles of God’s Word.
The Lord has blessed the work, in what is a mainly Roman Catholic country.
(More information about the Philippine ministry is available via the link at the bottom of this page)
What we believe
God has always directed the church to return to the ‘old paths’ (Jeremiah 6 v 16), to the established ways of God’s appointment and this is what we seek to do. We strive to honour God’s precepts rather than turn to broken cisterns, the notions and devices of men, which can hold no water (Jer. 2 v 13). In doing so, we seek to honour and not remove the ancient landmarks. ( Prov. Ch. 22 v 28, & Ch.23 v 10)
Therefore we seek to uphold and teach the Regulative Principle, rather than the Normative Principle, believing whatsoever God has commanded is to be honoured. (Deuteronomy 12 v 32 & Isaiah 8 v 20)
The Authorised/King James Version is used at all times, and we praise God in song by Psalms only without instruments, making melody in our hearts. (Ephesians 5 v 19)
As to church policy, we are Congregationalists, and therefore Paedo-baptists; a people of the Covenant promises of God, made to us and our children.
We believe there is a suitable way to appear before God for public worship governed by Scripture, with an awareness of the God we worship; so there ought to be an outward as well as an inward suitability to meet with the King of kings. (Ex. 3 v 5 & Gen. 35 v 2)
Although very few, we are united in seeking to uphold and convince others of Biblical principles, in these days of departure. We are thankful for the help and support of a few faithful friends in furthering the cause of truth and in aiding the work in the Philippines, by the enabling of the Lord.
Our services consist of prayer, the singing of Psalms, the reading of the Holy Scriptures and the exposition of the Word.
Should you be able to visit us, you are welcome.
Sabbath Services – 10:30am & 5:00 pm
Wednesday – Prayer and Ministry – 6:00 pm
Where we meet – Cynheidre, Llanelli SA15 5YD
About us
Ordained Minister – Brian H. Bradley
Our Church ~ doctrinally Reformed and Protestant.
Our Bible ~ Authorised Version (King James Version)
Our Praise is ~ Metrical Psalms.
Our Confession ~ ‘Savoy Declaration of Faith’ (1658) and ‘The Cambridge Platform’ (1649) (see ‘What we believe‘)