Anniversary Bethesda - Salt and Light Matthew 5 v 13-162024 Moriah Anniversary - Hallowed Be Thy Name - Matthew 6 v 92024 Jireh Anniversary - Thy Kingdom Come - Matthew 6 v 102024 Ebenezer Anniversary - Paul's Wretchedness - Romans 7 v 5-252024 Camp Meetings - Gospel Principles from the Prodigal Son - Luke 15 v 11-24 (5)2024 Camp Meetings - Gospel Principles from the Prodigal Son - Luke 15 v 11-24 (4)2024 Camp Meetings - Gospel Principles from the Prodigal Son - Luke 15 v 11-24 (3)2024 Camp Meetings - Gospel Principles from the Prodigal Son - Luke 15 v 11-24 (2)2024 Camp Meetings - Gospel Principles From the Prodigal Son - Luke 15 v 11-24 (1)2024 Bethesda Anniversary - Persecuted for Righteousness - Matthew 5 v 10-122024 Bethel Anniversary - Aaron's Rod that Budded - Numbers 17 v 1-172023 Jireh Anniversary - Lessons From the Days of Jeremiah - Jerimiah 1 v 1-10 +CP2023 Ebenezer Anniverseray - Protecting the Sacrifice from the Vultures - Genesis 15 v 11-122023 Camp Meeting - The Certain Fruitfulness of Calvary - John 12 v 242023 Camp Meeting - The Church at Philadelphia - Revelation 3 v 7-132023 Camp Meeting - Principles from the Life of Joseph - Genesis 37 v1-11, 45 v1-152023 Camp Meeting - Principles From the Life of Elijah2023 Camp Meeting - Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life - John 14 v 62023 Bethesda Anniversary - Irresistable Grace - Genesis 24 v 582023 Bethel Anniversary - War With Amalek - Exodus 17 v 8-162023 Jireh Anniversary - The Chastisements of God - Hebrews 12 v 1-142022 Providence Anniversary - Thou Shalt Not Covet - Exodus 20 v 172022 Jireh Anniversary - The Chastisements of God - Hebrews 12 v 5-142022 Ebenezer Anniversary - Christ, Prophet, Priest and King - Hebrews 1 v 1-82022 Camp Meeting - The Wise and Foolish Virgins - Matthew 25 v 1-132022 Camp Meeting - The Smitten Rock - Exodus 17 v 1-7 and Numbers 20 v 1-132022 Camp Meeting - The Five Points of Calvinism - 1 Peter 1-72022 Camp Meeting - The Downcast Elijah Instructed at Horeb - 1 Kings 192022 Camp Meeting - The Ark of the Covenant and its Contents - Hebrews 9 v 1-52022 Camp Meeting - Adoption into the Family of God - Galatians 4 v1-7; Eph 1 v1-62022 Bethesda Anniversary - The 10th Commandment - Luke 12 v13-212022 Bethel Anniversary - The Parable of the Sower - Mark 4 v 1-202021 Providence Anniversary - Great is the Mystery of Godliness - 1 Timothy 3 v 162021 Ebenezer Anniversary - Naboth a Faithful Martyr - 1 Kings 212021 Camp Meeting - Jonah and the Mariners - Jonah 1 v9-16 (2)2020 Camp Meeting - Jonah and the Mariners - Jonah 1 v9-16 (1)2020 Camp Meeting - Unaccompanied Praise - Exodus 20 v 1-112020 Camp Meeting - Praise by Exclusive Psalmody - Psalm 95 v1-72020 Camp Meeting - Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy - Exodus 20 v1-112021 Camp Meeting - Jehovah Jireh - Genesis 22 v 142021 Jireh Anniversary - Moses at the Burning Bush - Exodus 3 v 1-102021 Bethesda Aniversary - The Bitter Waters of Marah - Exodus 15 v 23-262021 Bethel Anniversary - Typical Nature of Ruth and Boaz - Ruth 4 (1)2020 Ebenezer Anniversary - Paul's Faithfulness - 2 Tim 4 v 6-72020 Providence Anniversary - Encouragements in Gospel Labour - Acts 18 v 102020 Bethesda Anniversary - Service - Ezekiel 14 v12-202019 Camp Meeting - TheVirgin Birth of Christ - Luke 1 v26-352019 Camp Meeting - The Exaltation of Christ - Acts 2 v 29-362019 Camp Meeting - Restoration and Reformation - Genesis 35 v 1-52019 Camp Meeting - Tithing a Biblical Obligation - Malachi 13 v 8-12; 2 Corinthians 8 v 1-92019 Camp Meeting - The Binding Nature of the Law - Matthew 5 v 17-20; Psalm 19 v 7-112019 Camp Meeting - Dispensationalism2019 Camp Meeting - Bearing False Witness - Proverbs 12 v13-28; Exodus 20 v162019 Providence Anniversary - Lessons on the Will of God - Matthew 6 v 1-132019 Jireh Anniversary - Jonah's Disobedience and Recovery - Jonah 1 v1-3a; 3 v 1-62019 Ebenezer Anniversary - False Witness - Exodus 20 v 16; Proverbs 12 v 13-282019 Bethel Anniversary - The Parable of the Pounds - Luke 19 v 11-272018 Camp Meeting - The Biblical doctrine of Baptism - Matthew 28 v 16-202018 Camp Meeting - Principles in the Worship of God - Mark 7 v 1-132018 Camp Meeting - Perseverance of the Saints - John 10 v27-29 (2)2018 Camp Meeting - Perseverance of the Saints - John 10 v27-29 (1)2018 Camp Meeting - I and my Father are One - John 10 v 302018 Providence Anniversary - The Parable of the Great Supper - Luke 14 v 7-242018 Providence Anniversary - The Parable of the Good Samaritan2018 Jireh Anniversary - The Nature of the Kingdom of God - Luke 17v20, Acts 1v1-32018 Ebenezer Anniversary - The Treasure and Pearl of Great Price - Matthew 13 v 9-14; 44-462018 Bethel Anniversary - Certain Marks of a True Church - 1 Timothy 3 v152017 Camp Meeting - True and False Shepherds - John 9 v34; 10 v62017 Bethel Anniversary - Unconditional Election - Ephesians 1 v 1-112017 Camp Meeting - Christ the Door of the Sheep - John 10 v 1-142017 Jireh Anniversary - The Physical Resurrection of Christ - 1 Corinthians 15 v 1-232017 Providence Anniversary - Saving Faith - Ephesians 2 v 1-11 (2)2017 Bethel Anniversary - Saving Faith - Ephesians 2 v 1-10 (1)2017 Bethel Anniversary - Unconditional Election - Ephesians 1 v 1-112016 Camp Meeting - Lovest thou me more than these - John 21 v15-172016 Camp Meeting - Feeding of the Five Thousand - John 6 v 1-142016 Providence Anniversary - Lessons from the Manna - Exodus 16 v1-18; Jn 6 v31-352016 Jireh Anniversary - The Creation Ordinances of God - Genesis 2 v1-3, 21-25; 3 v13-202016 Ebenezer Anniversary - Blind from Birth but Healed - John 9 v1-382016 Ebenezer Anniversary - Birth of Isaac and its Lessons - Genesis 21 v1-82016 Bethesda Anniversary - Enoch walked with God - Genesis 5 v 18-272016 Bethel Anniversary - Opening the Red Sea and its Lessons - Exodus 14 v1-312015 Camp Meeting Gingoog - The Single Eye - Matthew 6 v 22-232015 Providence Anniversary - The Empty and Full Net - John 21 v3-62015 Jireh Anniversary - Wedding at Cana - John 2 v1-112015 Bethel Anniversary - Lazarus Raised from the Dead - John 112015 Bethesda Anniversary - Mercy and Healing by the Sheepgate - John 5 v 1-162014 Camp Meeting - Three Appearings - Hebrews 9 v24-282014 Jireh Anniversary - The Cost and Warfare of Discipleship - Luke 14 v25-332014 Bethel Anniversary - Treasure laid up on Earth or in Heaven - Matthew 6 v19-212013 Jireh Anniversary - Old Testament Benediction - Numbers 6 v 24-272013 Camp Meeting - The Robe of Righteousness - Isaiah 61 v102012 Camp Meeting - The danger of Compromise - 1 Kings 222012 Jireh Anniversary - Poisonous Pottage - 2 Kings 4 v 38-412011 Camp Meeting - Congregational Church Polity2011 Jireh Anniversary - The Blocking and Opening of the Wells - Genesis 26 v 15-22