Ephesians Series of sermons on Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians. Parts 1-20 below; 21- to end to follow shortly DV Part 1 - Introduction - Ephesians 1 v1-23Part 2 - Opening Salutation - Ephesians 1 v1-2Part 3 - Spiritual Blessings in Christ Jesus - Ephesians 1 v3Part 4 - Chosen before time began - Ephesians 1 v4Part 5 - Chosen Unto Holiness - Ephesians 1 v4 (1)Part 6 - Chosen Unto Holiness - Ephesians 1 v4 (2)Part 7 - Chosen Unto Holiness - Ephesians 1 v4 (3)Part 8 - Predestination to Adoption - Ephesians 1 v5 (1)Part 9 - Predestination to Adoption - Ephesians 1 v5 (2)Part 10 - Predestination to Adoption - Ephesians 1 v5 (3)Part 11 - Predestination to Adoption - Ephesians 1 v5 (4)Part 12 - The Glory of His Grace - Ephesians 1 v6Part 13 - Redemption by His Blood - Ephesians 1 v7 (1)Part 14 - Redemption by His Blood - Ephesians 1 v7 (2)Part 15 - The Forgiveness of Sins - Ephesians 1 v7 (1)Part 16 - The Forgiveness of Sins - Ephesians 1 v7 (2)Part 17 - In all Wisdom and Prudence - Ephesians 1 v8Part18 - The Mystery of God's Will - Ephesians 1 v9Part 19 - All things reconciled in Christ - Ephesians 1 v10 (1)Part 20 - All things reconciled in Christ - Ephesians 1 v10 (2)Part 21 - The Counsel of God's Will - Ephesians 1 v11 (1)Part 22 - The Counsel of God's Will - Ephesians 1 v11 (2)Part 23 - The Word of Truth to Salvation - Ephesians 1 v 13 (1)Part 24 - The Word of Truth to Salvation - Ephesians 1 v 13 (2)Part 25 - The Gospel of Salvation - Ephesians 1.v13-14Part 26 - The Sealing and Earnest - Ephesians 1v13-14Part 27 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v13-14 (1)Part 28 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v13-14 (2)Part 29 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v13-14 (3)Part 30 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v13-14 (4)Part 31 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v13-14 (5)Part 32 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v12-13 (6)Part 33 - The Person and Work of The Spirit - Ephesians 1 v13-14 (7)Part 34 - Their Faith and Love Commended - Ephesians 1 v15-17 (1)Part 35 - Their Faith and Love Commended - Ephesians 1 v15-17 (2)Part 36 - Their Faith and Love Commended - Ephesians 1 v15-17 (3)Part 37 - Their Faith and Love Commended - Ephesians 1 v15-17 (4)Part 38 - A Threefold Petition - Ephesians 1 v 18-20 (1)Part 39 - A Threefold Petition - Ephesians 1 v 18-20 (2)Part 40 - A Threefold Petition - Ephesians 1 v 18-20 (3)Part 41 - A Threefold Petition - Ephesians 1 v 18-20 (4)Part 42 - Christ and His Church - Ephesians 1 v22-23 (1)Part 43 - Christ and His Church - Ephesians 1 v22-23 (2)Part 44 - The Nature of Human Depravity - Ephesians 2 v1-5 (1)Part 45 - The Nature of Human Depravity - Ephesians 2 v1-5 (2)Part 46 - The Nature of Human Depravity - Ephesians 2 v1-5 (3)Part 47 - The Nature of Human Depravity - Ephesians 2 v1-5 (4)Part 48 - Rich Mercy and Great Love - Ephesians 2 v 4Part 49 - Exceeding Riches of His Grace - Ephesians 2 v 5-7Part 50 - Sovereign Grace - Ephesians 2 v 8-10 (1)Part 51 - Sovereign Grace - Ephesians 2 v 8-10 (2)Part 52 - Sovereign Grace - Ephesians 2 v 8-10 (3)Part 53 - Gospel Unity of Jew and Gentile - Ephesians 2 v 11-22 (1)Part 54 - Gospel Unity of Jew and Gentile - Ephesians 2 v 11-22 (2)Part 55 - Gospel Unity of Jew and Gentile - Ephesians 2 v 11-12 (3)Part 56 - Gospel Unity of Jew and Gentile - Ephesians 2 v 11-22 (4)Part 57 - Reconciliation - Ephesians 2 v 16 (1)Part 58 - Reconciliation - Ephesians 2 v 16 (2)Part 59 - The Preaching of Peace - Ephesians 2 v 17Part 60 - The Holy Trinity - Ephesians 2 v 18Part 61 - Access to the Father - Ephesians 2 v 19Part 62 - The Church a Holy Temple - Ephesians 2 v 21 (1)Part 63 - The Church a Holy Temple - Ephesians 2 v 21 (2)Part 64 - The Church a Holy Temple - Ephesians 2 v 21 (3)Part 65 - The Church a Holy Temple - Ephesians 2 v 21 (4)Part 66 - The Church a Holy Temple - Ephesians 2 v 21 (5)Part 67 - The Church a Holy Temple - Ephesians 2 v 21 (6)Part 68 - A Prisoner of Christ for the Gentiles - Ephesians 3 v 1-2Part 69 - Humbled to Serve the Lord - Ephesians 3 v 7-8Part 70 - Unsearchable Riches of Christ - Ephesians 3 v 8 (1)Part 71 - Unsearchable Riches of Christ - Ephesians 3 v 8 (2)Part 72 - Unsearchable Riches of Christ - Ephesians 3 v 8 (3)Part 73 - The Manifold Wisdom of God - Ephesians 3 v 9-10Part 74 - Creation not Evolution - Ephesians 3 v 8Part 75 - God's Eternal Purpose - Ephesians 3 v 11Part 76 - Boldness of Access with Confidence - Ephesians 3 v 12-13Part 77 - I Bow My Knees Unto the Father - Ephesians 3 v 14Part 78 - God the Father - Ephesians 3 v 14-15Part 79 - Paul's Prayerful Desires - Ephesians 3 v 16-21 (1)Part 80 - Paul's Prayerful Desires - Ephesians 3 v 16-21 (2)Part 81 - Paul's Prayerful Desires - Ephesians 3 v 14-21 (3)Part 82 - Pauls Doxology - Ephesians 3 v 20-21 (1)Part 83 - Pauls Doxology - Ephesians 3 v 20-21 (2)Part 84 - Walking Worthy in all Lowliness - Ephesians 4 v1-2 (1)Part 85 - Walking Worthy in all Lowliness - Ephesians 4 v1-2 (2)Part 86 - Walking Worthy in all Lowliness - Ephesians 4 v1-2 (3)Part 87 - Keeping the Unity of the Spirit - Ephesians 4 v 3Part 88 - The Bond of Peace - Ephesians 4 v 3Part 89 - One Body the Holy Trinity - Ephesians 4 v 4Part 90 - One Spirit and One Hope - Ephesians 4 v 4Part 91 - One Lord - Ephesians 4 v 5Part 92 - One Faith - Ephesians 4 v 5Part 93 - One Baptism - Ephesians 4 v 5Part 94 - Our God and Father - Ephesians 4 v 6Part 95 - Gifts Bestowed by the Exalted Lord - Ephesians 4 v 7Part 96 - The Lord's Descent and Ascent - Ephesians 4 v 8-10 (1)Part 97 - Bestowing of God's Gifts - Ephesians 4 v 11 (1)Part 98 - Bestowing of God's Gifts - Ephesians 4 v 11 (2)Part 99 - Various Gifts to the Church - Ephesians 4 v 11 (1)Part 100 - Various Gifts to the Church - Ephesians 4 v 11 (2)Part 101 - Various Gifts to the Church - Ephesians 4 v 11 (3)Part 102 - The Process of Perfection - Ephesians 4 v 12Part 103 - The Process Achieves its Purpose - Ephesians 4 v 13Part 104 - A Call for Maturity and Steadfastness - Ephesians 4 v14Part 105 - Speaking the Truth in Love - Ephesians 4 v 15 (1)Part-106 - Speaking the Truth in Love - Ephesians 4 v 15 (2)Part 107 - The Body and the Head - Ephesians 4 v 16Part 108 - The Dreadful Depth of Sin - Ephesians 4 v 17-19 (1)Part 109 - The Dreadful Depth of Sin - Ephesians 4 v 17-19 (2)Part 110 - Hearing Learning - Ephesians 4 v 20-22Part 111 - Putting Off and Putting On - Ephesians 4 v 22-24 (1)Part 112 - Putting Off and Putting On - Ephesians 4 v 22-24 (2)Part 113 - Putting Off and Putting On - Ephesians 4 v 22-24 (3)Part 114 - Contrast Between Lies and Truth - Ephesians 4 v 25 (1)Part 115 - Contrast Between Lies and Truth - Ephesians 4 v 25 (2)Part 116 - Righteous and Sinful Anger - Ephesians 4 v 26 (1)Part 117 - Righteous and Sinful Anger - Ephesians 4 v 26 (2)Part 118 - Theft and Honest Labour - Ephesians 4 v 26 (1)Part 119 - Theft and Honest Labour - Ephesians 4 v 28 (2)Part 120 - Corrupt Talk and How It Ought To Be - Ephesians 4 v 29-30 (1)Part 121 - Corrupt Talk and How It Ought To Be - Ephesians 4 v 29-30 (2)Part 122 - Sealed Unto the Day of Redemption - Ephesians 4 v 29-30Part 123 - Evils to Put Off and Graces to Put On - Ephesians 4 v 31-32Part 124 - Imitating God's Love in Christ - Ephesians 5 v 1-2Part 125 - Sacrificial Love of Christ in Death - Ephesians 5 v 1-2 (1)Part 126 - Sacrificial Love of Christ in Death - Ephesians 5 v 1-2 (2)Part 127 - Sacrificial Love of Christ in Death - Ephesians 5 v 1-2 (3)Part 128 - All Sexual Sins Reproved - Ephesians 5 v 3Part 129 - Great Evil Further Reproved - Ephesians 5 v 4-5Part 130 - God's Wrath as Sure as His Mercy - Ephesians 5 v 5-6Part 131 - The Seperated Life - Ephesians 5 v 6-7 (1) See also Part 134 below.Part 132 - Light in The Lord - Ephesians 5 v 8-11Part 133 - Proving what is Acceptable - Ephesians 5 v10Part 134 - The Seperated Life - Ephesians 5 v11-12 (2) See also Part 131 above.Part 135 - Various Views of Sanctification - Ephesians 5 v13 (1)Part 136 - Various Views of Sanctification - Ephesians 5 v13 (2)Part 137 - Understanding the Will of God - Ephesians 5 v 16-17Part 138 - The Evil of Drunkeness - Ephesians 5 v 18Part 139 - Filled with the Spirit - Ephesians 5 v 18Part 140 - Psalms and the Worship of God - Ephesians 5 v 19 (1)Part 141 - Psalms and the Worship of God - Ephesians 5 v 19 (2)Part 142 - Psalms and the Worship of God - Ephesians 5 v 19 (3)Part 143 - Psalms and the Worship of God - Ephesians 5 v 19 (4)Part 144 - A Thankful Disposition - Ephesians 5 v 20 (1)Part 145 - A Thankful Disposition - Ephesians 5 v 20 (2)Part 146 - In Subjection to One Another - Ephesians 5 v 21Part 147 - Subjection of Wives to Husbands - Ephesians 5 v 21-22 (1)Part 148 - Subjection of Wives to Husbands - Ephesians 5 v 21-22 (2)Part 149 - Love of Christ for His Church - Ephesians 5 v 25Part 150 - Particular Redemption - Ephesians 5 v25 (1)Part 151 - Particular Redemption - Ephesians 5 v25 (2)Part 152 - Particular Redemption - Ephesians 5 v25 (3)Part 153 - Particular Redemption - Ephesians 5 v25 (4)Part 154 - The Church Prepared for Glory - Ephesians 5 v 26-27 (1)Part 155 - The Church Prepared for Glory - Ephesians 5 v 26-27 (2)Part 156 - The Church Prepared for Glory - Ephesians 5 v 26-27 (3)Part 157 - The Church Prepared for Glory - Ephesians 5 v 26-27 (4)Part 158 - The Church Prepared for Glory - Ephesians 5 v 26-27 (5)Part 159 - The Church Prepared for Glory - Ephesians 5 v 26-27 (6)Part 160 - The Blessedness Of Being One Flesh - Ephesians 5 v 28-33Part 161 - Duty of Children, Parents, Servants and Masters - Ephesians 6 v 1-5 (1)Part 162 - Duty of Children, Parents, Servants and Masters - Ephesians 6 v 1-9 (2)Part 163 - Duty of Children, Parents, Servants and Masters - Ephesians 6 v 1-9 (3)Part 164 - Duty of Children, Parents, Servants and Masters - Ephesians 6 v 1-9 (4)Part 165 - The Whole Armour of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (1)Part 166 - The Whole Armour of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (2)Part 167 - The Whole Armour of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (3)Part 168 - The Whole Armour of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (4)Part 169 - The Whole Armour of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (5)Part 170 - Girt About With Truth - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (1)Part 171 - Girt About With Truth - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (2)Part 172 - The Breastplate of Righteousness - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (1)Part 173 - The Breastplate of Righteousness - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (2)Part 174 - The Feet and the Gospel of Peace - Ephesians 6 v 10-20Part 175 - The Shield of Faith - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (1)Part 176 - The Shield of Faith - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (2)Part 177 - The Helmet of Salvation - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (1)Part 178 - The Helmet of Salvation - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (2)Part 179 - The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (1)Part 180 - The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (2)Part 181 - The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God - Ephesians 6 v 10-20 (3)Part 182 - The Vital Importance of Prayer - Ephesians 6 v 18-20 (1)Part 183 - The Vital Importance of Prayer - Ephesians 6 v 18-20 (2)Part 184 - The Vital Importance of Prayer - Ephesians 6 v 18-20 (3)Part 185 - Tychicus a Faithful Minister - Ephesians 6 v 21-22 (1)Part 186 - Tychicus a Faithful Minister - Ephesians 6 v 21-22 (2)Part 187 - Speaking With Boldness - Ephesians 6 v 21-22